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Review Policy

Hi there! Thank you so much for even considering me to showcase your book. I know how much work authors put into their work, and I am honored that you would even consider me to review your book for you. I previously ran a separate blog where I would often review ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies), and it was such an honor then and it still is now. Please read through the following information about how I accept book review requests, and my contact information will be at the bottom of this page if you would like to contact me to review a book/be a stop on a book tour/cover reveal/any other post you may want me to do.


I am currently accepting review requests!


Types of books I review:

  • I mostly read YA or NA, however I have been branching out into adult fiction and would be happy to review adult books if they fit my style.

  • I will read most genres EXCEPT for books on spirituaity/religion, pure erotica (books with sex are fine, but I'm not a fan of book porn if that makes any sense), and I am VERY picky about reviewing self-help or historical fiction novels.

  • I prefer ebooks be sent as either Kindle compatible files of PDFs. 



  • Any review I post will be completely honest. If I receive a book and I do not like it then my review will reflect that. I will also post a disclaimer along with the review letting readers know that I was given a copy of the book to review.

  • I will not accept any type of bribe (money or any other item) in exchange for a positive review.

  • By agreeing to send me a copy of your book to review you are agreeing for me to read and give an HONEST review the book that was sent (whether that review be positive or negative).

  • I am a full time student and do not always have a ton of time to devote to outside reading. If you need a review/post up by a certain day and I'm not sure I will be able to get it up, I will let you know. Please respect that I'm human and sometimes situations pop up that cause me to miss a deadline.


When emailing me please include the following information:

  • Your name

  • Book Title, author name, publishing company (or indicate self-published), and how many pages are in the book

  • Synopsis of the book along with what genres it falls under

  • Date you might need it reviewed by

  • Anything else you might want published with it (author Q&A, author bio, author guest post, etc.)

  • Any other info you may want me to know (trigger warnings, other info like that)


You can contact me at the following email address:

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