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Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Reading Places

Writer: Merripen ArohaMerripen Aroha

Hello, hello! I'm so excited for this week's topic, but I'm very boring and don't think I'll be able to get to ten places I read. Ever. So, the first three are my favorite places to read, and then after that it will be places I would love to read (even though some might be more fictional lol). Make sure you leave a link to your TTT in the comments, and have a great week!

1.) My Bed

I mean... can you blame me? This is probably the place I have read 95% of the books I've read. It's comfy, it's familiar, and you can fall asleep while reading without worrying that someone is going to mug you.

2.) The Sofa

Very similar to my bed, just a bit more public. When you've been sitting in your room all day, want to get out, but don't want to get dressed, this is the place. However, if you are still living with your family/young kids I wouldn't recommend you read anything too *spicy* out there.

3.) The Library

I feel like I'm always able to really focus whenever I'm at the library. The amount of homework I get done at the library is exponentially higher than at home, so it makes sense that whenever I read at the library I am super focus and really speed through those pages.

4.) On Top of Mount Everest

Cold? Yes. Iconic? Yes.

5.) In my Own Personal Home Library

In a tower. With rolling ladders. And comfy window seats!

6.) Under Rory Gilmore's Study Tree

She really hyped up that tree! She was willing to pay a man to move so she could study at that tree! She said it fit her back perfectly! Like??? I've gotta try that tree.

7.) On a Dragon

Imagine riding on a dragon's back, flying through the clouds, and reading a really good book. You would probably want it to be an ebook (avoid the flapping pages problem), but you have to admit that sounds peaceful.

8.) Under Cherry Blossom Trees

I feel like reading a book while pink petals rain on you would just As long as you took an allergy pill before hand. Otherwise it might be a bit snotty.

9.) In a Castle

Dressed in a pretty gown. And getting to walk around the castle feeling like a princess finding the perfect reading spot.

10.) On a Ferris Wheel

I know when you're on a Ferris Wheel you're supposed to be looking around at the view, but I think that it would be nice to read on one. Feels almost...peaceful.


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, so make sure that you check out her blog to learn more about Top Ten Tuesday and to check out the upcoming topics. Thanks for stopping by! And make sure you leave a link to your Top Ten Tuesday post/blog so I can pop by and say hi. :)



Greg Hill
Greg Hill
Aug 17, 2021

Those personal home libraries with the rolling ladders haha sound so cool. I want one. A dragon would be cool too although my luck my book would fly away! :)


Aug 17, 2021

On a Dragon sounds wonderful!! Great list. I also enjoy reading in bed.


Tanya Atkinson
Tanya Atkinson
Aug 17, 2021

I'm so opposite in that I've never been able to read at the library. It seems like there's too much going on around me and I can't concentrate. Maybe I need to find a quieter library. :)

Traditional Library

meet the reviewer

I'm Merripen.

College Student. Reader. Escapist.  


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