Homework? No. Naps? Yes.

Hello friends. Thank you for all the well wishes last week! I had a wonderful weekend with the grandparents, and it really was a treat to see them. I got back Monday afternoon and felt pretty good! Spent Tuesday getting a little bit of work done for my summer classes, and Wednesday I made my massive special food haul. I'll grab some essentials every week from my normal grocery store (veggies, fruit, etc.), but usually once every two-three months I'll make a trip to the two stores where I really like the food but don't like going to very often: Trader Joe's and my local Asian market. They're just kinda far away and always busy, so especially with COVID I've found it easier to just go once every couple months and buy a LOT of food during that one trip to keep me going until I have to go again. So I did that...and that's when it all went to shit. I think I just need to be prepared because the past couple times I've made that massive special food haul I just feel really bad for the next bit of time afterwards. I'm not sure if it's the stress of leaving the house, having to buy all the food, having to haul all the food, having to sanitize all that food, or the realization that I'm stuck in my house again once it is all over, but man afterwords I just feel bad. I barely got my homework done for Friday (even though I took massive shortcuts and didn't put in as much work as I should have), and I have no clue how I'm going to get through the rest of it this weekend. It's definitely a massive oof.
Despite this though I did make a little bit of progress reading wise, got a review written for The Time Machine, and got my blog connected to Bloglovin along with a follow me button inserted into the side bar. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself but wow it feels like I've gotten nothing done this week. Guess we all gotta feel like that every once in a while though. Happy reading, have and great week, and make sure you leave a link to your Sunday Post in the comments so I can come say hi! :)

I made lots of progress in Capsule, and hopefully will finish it this week. I read nothing of Yolk and The 120 Days of Sodom though :(
Last week's Sunday Post
My stop for the Life and Other Complications blog tour! Also the giveaway for the Amazon gift cards is still open if you want to enter! Details are in the post. :)
Top Ten Tuesday: Book Titles with Questions in the Title
Hopefully a review of Capsule (if I can pull my shit together lol)
If not then a review of The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
I decided that on Reader Farm I would name the animals I get after the books I'm currently reading, so I thought I would show you who is currently living on the farm with me. :)

Moon the cow (named after Peter Moon in Capsule).

Yolk (the white chicken) and Sade (the brown chicken) named after Yolk and the author of 120 Days of Sodom.
Just started listening to N.Flying this week, and this is their newest single off of their album! This is probably tied for first for my favorite song by them along with Rooftop.
How do you prioritize reading ARCs and other books on your TBR? How do you find the perfect balance? Let me know in the comments below (along with your link back to your Sunday Post).
The Sunday Post is a weekly blog recap that is hosted by The Caffeinated Reviewer. Each week we share some news from our lives, what we read, any books that we got, and what we posted, and anything else we want to share from our week! If you want to learn more you can visit this info page.
I hope this past week was better for you. I agree, I think we all have days and sometimes weeks like that. I wish there was a cure for it. Just be gentle with yourself. It's easier to say than do, I know. I need to take my own advice. Capsule sounds good. I hope you enjoyed it!
I am terrible at prioritizing ARCs and my TBR. I wish I was better at it, but I am such a mood reader.
I hope you have a great weekend and week ahead!
For me, I have a problem with requesting more books than I should lol! So I end up reading ARC's all the time because they have deadlines and never get time to read my own TBR pile!! If anyone has figured out a balance let me know haha! I'm still working on it xD
For me, books with a deadline (blog tours, reviews, and NetGalley/Edelweiss) take priority. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to balance it with the books on my TBR yet. Someday I will :) Hope you have a great week!
Some weeks we need the rest more than to be productive. And that's okay. <3
I adore Stardew Valley!! I don't even want to admit how many hours I've spent on various farms since Christmas... Glad to see another fan!